Rules, Regulations, Guidelines on Jekyll Island
In an effort to help homeowners better define what permits and permissions are required on Jekyll Island, please be aware of the list below:
Building – The Jekyll Island Authority (JIA) approval and a Glynn County Building permit are required prior to the construction or remodeling of a dwelling or accessory building. Glynn County will not issue a permit without JIA approval. This approval is given in the form of a letter from JIA Code Enforcement to the contractor or homeowner and provided to Glynn County at the time that a Glynn County permit is applied for.
Fences – A permit is required prior to the installation or altering of a fence. A description of the fence and scaled plot plan showing property lines and identifying all utilities is also required.
Home Occupation – A license is required prior to operating a business, occupation or activity conducted for gain within a residential building, or an accessory building thereto.
Satellite Dish Installation – A permit is required prior to the installation of a satellite dish. Location of dish determines screening required. Dishes attached to the dwelling are preferred.
Signs – A permit is required to erect, construct, alter or relocate a sign. Temporary signs are also regulated.
Residential Rental – An annual license is required prior to offering residential property for rent. Additional bed taxes apply.
Trees – A permit is required prior to trimming or pruning any branch larger than 2” diameter, removing, replacing, or relocating trees. Approved mitigation is required for all trees removed.
Mitigation is required for the removal of historic trees, live oaks and if a leased property does not maintain a minimum tree density of 200 caliper inches per acre. Trimming of palm trees and ornamental shrubs does not require a permit.
Removal of Plant Growth, Materials from Protected or Conservation Areas- No vegetation removal, trimming or pruning is permitted on non-leased areas without a tree permit. These include marsh vistas, ocean vistas, fire breaks and natural buffer areas. In addition to Jekyll Island Authority approval, these areas may also require additional permits/permissions in accordance with The Marshlands Protection Act, The Shore Jurisdiction Act, and the Jekyll Island Conservation Plan. Failure to follow this approval process may result in fines, mitigation or default of an owner's lease.
Wells –Jekyll Island Authority approval is required prior to digging or constructing a well. Well permits applications may be obtained by contacting John Day, Jekyll Island Authority Superintendent of Water and Wasterwater at 912.635.4021. 635-4021
If you have any questions or concerns contact Code Enforcement Officer, Steve Bolin at 912.635.2930.
Golf Cart regulations: Beginning Jan. 1, 2012, all privately owned golf carts must abide by a new state law that requires the following: A braking system, a reverse warning device, head lamps and tail lamps, reflex reflectors and safety warning labels, a horn, a rear view mirror and hip restraints and hand holds. (Note: The State Patrol interprets hip restraints as requiring seat belts for all passenger seats and that young children must be in safety seats..) Golf carts are permitted on any roadways where automobiles can travel. Golf carts are not permitted on bike paths, including those in the Historic District.
The following are other rules and guidelines that all residents and visitors should be aware of:
Swimming: The Jekyll Island beaches are open to the public year round. There are no life guards. Swim at your own risk. Dunes: The dunes form a natural buffer to protect buildings and land from tide, winds, waves and storms. It is illegal to walk on dunes. Please use crossovers. Metal detectors: A Jekyll Island ordinance forbids the use of electronic devices for the detection of metals, minerals, artifacts, lost articles or for treasure hunting. Automobile use: Motor vehicles are allowed only on paved roads. Speed limit is 35 mph, unless posted otherwise. Parking of recreational vehicles: Occupied recreational vehicles are not permitted to park overnight in the parking lots. Bicycling: Bicyclists are encouraged to ride on the paved bike trails only. If necessary to ride on the streets, please keep to the far right and ride single file. Outdoor burning: Outdoor burning is prohibited. Dogs and Cats: should be confined to the owner’s property or kept on a leash. Property regulations: Following is an incomplete list of regulations governing structures and property. If the information you seek is not listed, call 635-2930.
- Permits for all installation, erection or construction projects must receive written approval by the Authority prior to submission to the Glynn County Building Permit Office.
- Structures must not exceed 35 feet in height.
- Fences must not exceed six feet in height
- Metal sheds are not allowed in residential areas
- All contractors working on Jekyll must have licenses.
- Irrigation systems must be authorized and inspected by Authority personnel.
- Cutting of trees is prohibited unless approved by the Authority.
Homestead exemption: Georgia resident homeowners are entitled to some exemptions from assessment increases, but you must sign up for this at the Glynn County Tax Office.
Leasing Operations: Leases are subject to the terms and conditions of the Jekyll Island Authority Act and Authority ordinances. A copy of these ordinances may be seen at the Authority offices on James Road. For information about leases and lease payments, call 635-2236. Utility Billing: Utility bills are mailed every other month and include costs for water and sewer usage, trash collection and debt service. For questions call the Accounts Receivable office, 635-4097. Annual parking Fee: An annual parking decal for $45 is available. The decal may be purchased at the Greeting Station and must be installed by Authority personnel. There is a $3 charge to transfer a decal from one vehicle to another. For information about parking decals, call 635-4016. Recycling: The Jekyll Island Recycling Center on South Riverview Drive operates from 7 am to 7 pm. Bins are available for aluminum, newspaper, plastic, glass and cardboard. (Beginning in July 2011, curbside recycling will be available. Residents will be given bins for the recyclables. Wildlife: The Island is a protected haven for an abundance of wildlife. Residents and guests are requested to refrain from feeding the wildlife. It is against state law to feed wild alligators. Call 635-4092 for questions or complaints on wildlife.